books, photo art,
Art to Purchase for Your Pleasure!

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Important Inspirational Books!

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Biblical Healing Outreach!

Take a look at “ministry” to discover Lightshine Ministries International and learn about the outreach ministry of Bob and E. Michal Gayer and how to schedule them as guest speakers for your church or organization.




Paint Yourself Healed!  Healed by God of Brain Cancer

  • Spiritual alignment the route to healing
  • Partnering with God for healing
  • Faith to stay the course

About the Artist

E. Michal Gayer was born and raised in rural Pennsylvania. She graduated from Juniata College in Huntingdon, PA before attaining her Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. After working as a Clinical Psychologist and College Instructor, Michal married Bob Gayer. She has traveled extensively with her husband Bob and they now reside in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.

Michal’s interest in Art, specifically oil painting, began in her late teen years under the inspiration of her older brother, who was already an accomplished oil painting artist. Michal began the creative endeavor of oil painting on an “off and on” basis for several years until marriage and motherhood shifted her focus. Doing the imaginative work of oil painting requires blocks of concentrated time which is scarce when raising two young boys. After only about three years of dabbling in the art of oil painting, she laid aside her brushes for almost thirty years to devote herself to family life and career. See PAINTINGS.

Interspersed within the vigor’s of family life, Michal managed a career as a psychologist and a college instructor followed by developing a successful advertising business with her husband Bob. Eventually, they co-founded Lightshine Ministries International (LMI) which continues as an active ministry today. See MINISTRY. Michal assumed the responsibility to become the main educator of LMI while Bob manages administrative aspects of their ministry. Michal, an ordained minister, became the principal guest speaker for LMI and had the privilege to minister in almost 600 churches across the USA teaching and doing conferences on Biblical healing. With a desire to help people understand Biblical healing, Michal wrote the book Convinced by the Word Healed by God. It became so popular, and the need to understand Biblical healing so great, she followed this book with the book Narrow Gate Understanding Biblical Healing and later the book Vessels of Power. See BOOKS. Bob and Michal’s ministry entailed much travel across the United States and into Mexico and Canada. They chose to do these trips by automobile in order to enjoy the splendor of nature. These experiences eventually found expression in the artworks of Michal.

The beauty and art of nature that unfolded daily while doing ministry travels was a photography dream come true. Michal acquired a mass of photographs and the art of photography emerged. Wanting to share nature’s art, she selected choice photographs and matched those photography gems with inspirational Bible verses. These enchantingly beautiful works of nature’s art captured through photography and emboldened with spiritual wisdom are now available for purchase. See PHOTO ART.

With children grown, the time blocks so necessary for engaging in the art to do oil painting emerged. Once again Michal was able to pursue her passion and love for oil painting. Michal is a self-taught, oil painting artist not relying on books, videos or formal instruction; however, when asked how long she has painted, Michal smiles and says, “I painted for about 3 years before marriage then laid aside my brushes for thirty years before starting again in 2010.” Unfortunately, another interruption in Michal’s pursuit of art happened in 2015 when Michal was diagnosed with an inoperable, incurable life-threatening brain tumor. Once again brushes and paint were laid aside and the art of oil painting took a back seat to radiation therapy, chemotherapy and the pursuit of healing through the application of Biblical healing principles. In 2017, after exceeding all medical expectations, Michal wrote her fourth book, Paint Yourself Healed – Healed by God of Brain Cancer. In this book, she discusses the spiritual steps she took which resulted in her being healed by God of a disease deemed incurable by the medical community. The book became the “best seller” of all of Michal’s books and at once was in high demand. Paint Yourself Healed has proven to be of great help to many sick people who are seeking healing from God through the application of sound Biblical principles. Paint Yourself Healed is now available for purchase along with other books by Michal. See BOOKS.

Now fully recovered from a lethal brain tumor, Michal is back at the easel doing what she loves, creating beautiful art through oil painting. Her paintings and photo art are available for purchase. See PAINTINGS and PHOTO ART.